woman‎Anna Dufková‏‎ [I121]‎, daughter of Václav Dufek and Terezie Najmanová‏.
Born ‎7 Aug 1854 Nová Telib (Telib) 18, died ‎22 Oct 1926 Nová Telib (Telib) 19‎, age 72 years

Religion: catholic
No. children: 3
Age: 72
Cause of death: marasmus sentis
Cemetery: Březno

* Březno 27 Fol.5, Pg 5
o Březno 19 Fol.181, Pg 185
+ Březno 37 Fol.136-35, Pg 141

Married ‎23 Sep 1879 Březno, age 25 years (married 17 years) to:

manJan Křtitel Verner‏‎ [I161], age by marriage 33 years, son of František Verner and Barbora Havlasová‏.
Born ‎15 Jun 1846 Týnec (Tejnice) 11, died ‎5 Aug 1897 Nová Telib (Telib) 19‎, age 51 years, buried ‎7 Aug 1897 Březno

Occupation: farmer
Religion: catholic
- Týnec (Tejnice) 11
- Nová Telib (Telib) 19
No. children: 3
Age: 51
Cause of death: stomach cancer
Cemetery: Březno

* Dobrovice 24 Fol.55, Pg 25
o Březno 19 Fol.181, Pg 185
+ Březno 35 Pg 157

Baptized as child (‎16 Jun 1846 Dobrovice)


woman‎Marie Vernerová‏‎ [I189]‎
Born ‎15 Sep 1891 Nová Telib (Telib) 19

Religion: catholic

* Březno 27 Pg 69

Baptized as child (‎16 Sep 1891 Březno)

manJosef Verner‏‎ [I186]
Born ‎23 Apr 1887 Nová Telib (Telib) 19

Religion: catholic -> českosl.

* Březno 27 Pg 61

Baptized as child (‎24 Apr 1887 Březno)
Baptized as child (‎5 Oct 1921 Jičín)

manVáclav Verner‏‎ [I183]
Born ‎22 Oct 1881 Nová Telib (Telib) 19, died ‎22 May 1953 Nová Telib (Telib)‎, age 71 years

Occupation: farmer
No. children: 1
Age: 71

* Březno 27 Fol.52, Pg 52
o Březno 37 Pg 139

Baptized as child (‎23 Oct 1881 Březno)

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