woman‎Lidmilla Dorothea Vernerová‏‎ [I632]‎, daughter of Václav Verner and Anna Úhodová‏.
Born ‎1 Apr 1773 Úherce (Ouřec) 6, died ‎5 Dec 1849 Chudíř 4‎, age 76 years, buried ‎7 Dec 1849 Bošín

Religion: catholic -> evangelic-ref.
- Úherce (Ouřec) 6
- Vinařice 28
- Chudíř 4
No.children: 11
Age: 76
Cause of death: old age
Cemetery: Bošín

* Dobrovice 03 Pg 282
o Dobrovice 08 Pg 35
+ Bošín-ev 09 Fol.33, Pg 19

Married ‎16 Apr 1793 Vinařice 28, age 20 years (married 29 years) to:

manMatěj Hejl‏‎ [I659], age by marriage 17 years, son of Václav Hejl and Marie Rulíková‏.
Born ‎15 Sep 1775 Vinařice 28, died ‎12 Aug 1822 Vinařice 28‎, age 46 years

Occupation: farmer
Religion: catholic -> evangelic-ref.
No. children: 11
Age: 46
Cemetery: Bošín

* Dobrovice 03 Pg 306
o Dobrovice 08 Pg 35
+ Bošín-ev 06 Fol.21-8, Pg 24
+ Dobrovice 26 Pg 41


woman‎Marie Hejlová‏‎ [I767]‎
Born ‎20 Jul 1795 Vinařice 28, died ‎7 Nov 1796 Vinařice 28‎, age 1 year and 3 months and 2 weeks and 4 days

Religion: Catholic
Age: 1

* Dobrovice 06 Pg 21
+ Dobrovice 11 Pg 49

woman‎Kateřina Hejlová‏‎ [I766]‎
Born ‎25 Jul 1813 Vinařice 28, died ‎3 Nov 1818 Vinařice 28‎, age 5 years

Religion: evangelic-ref.
Age: 5

* Dobrovice 06 Pg 59
+ Dobrovice 26 Pg 40

man‎František Jan Hejl‏‎ [I765]‎
Born ‎29 Oct 1797 Vinařice 28, died ‎23 Jan 1798 Vinařice 28‎, age 2 months and 3 weeks and 4 days

Religion: catholic
Age: 3 m.

* Dobrovice 06 Pg 26
+ Dobrovice 11 Pg 51

woman‎Lidmila Hejlová‏‎ [I764]‎
Born ‎26 May 1794 Vinařice 28

Religion: catholic

* Dobrovice 06 Pg 18

man‎Matěj Hejl‏‎ [I728]‎
Born ‎6 Mar 1809 Vinařice 28, died ‎16 May 1811 Vinařice 28‎, age 2 years and 2 months and 1 week and 3 days

Religion: evangelic-ref.
Age: 2
Cause of death: infantile convulsions
Cemetery: Bošín

* Bošín-ev 02 Fol.27-6, Pg 29
* Dobrovice 06 Pg 51
+ Dobrovice 26 Pg 37

womanBarbora Hejlová‏‎ [I727]
Born ‎16 Dec 1805 Vinařice 28

Religion: evangelic-ref.

* Bošín-ev 02 Fol.19-19, Pg 21
* Dobrovice 06 Pg 44

man‎Jan Hejl‏‎ [I726]‎
Born ‎22 Apr 1803 Vinařice 28, died ‎20 Mar 1806 Vinařice 28‎, age 2 years

Religion: evangelic-ref.
Age: 2
Cause of death: infantile convulsions

* Bošín-ev 02 Fol.12-15, Pg 14
* Dobrovice 06 Pg 38
+ Dobrovice 11 Pg 58

woman‎Kateřina Hejlová‏‎ [I725]‎
Born ‎10 Aug 1811 Vinařice 28, died ‎10 Jan 1812 Vinařice 28‎, age 5 months

Religion: evangelic-ref.
Age: 5 m.
Cause of death: infantile convulsions

* Dobrovice 06 Pg 55
+ Dobrovice 26 Pg 38

man‎Václav Hejl‏‎ [I724]‎
Born ‎20 Oct 1816 Vinařice 28, died ‎30 Oct 1818 Vinařice 28‎, age 2 years and 1 week and 3 days

Religion: evangelic-ref.
Age: 2
Cause of death: infantile convulsions

* Dobrovice 26 Pg 13
+ Bošín-ev 06 Fol.16-9, Pg 19
+ Dobrovice 26 Pg 40

man‎Václav Hejl‏‎ [I723]‎
Born ‎8 Nov 1799 Vinařice 28, died ‎6 May 1803 Vinařice 28‎, age 3 years, buried ‎7 May 1803 Dobrovice

Religion: evangelic-ref.
Age: 3
Cemetery: Dobrovice

* Bošín-ev 01 Pg 75
* Dobrovice 06 Pg 31
+ Bošín-ev 06 Fol.3-12, Pg 5

man‎František Hejl‏‎ [I722]‎
Born ‎28 Mar 1802 Vinařice 28, died ‎5 Apr 1802 Vinařice 28‎, age 1 week and 1 day, buried ‎7 Apr 1802 Dobrovice

Religion: evangelic-ref.
Age: 10 d.
Cause of death: infantile convulsions
Cemetery: Dobrovice

* Bošín-ev 02 Fol.8-8, Pg 10
+ Bošín-ev 06 Fol.2-6, Pg 4
+ Dobrovice 11 Pg 54

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