woman‎Josefa Malinová‏‎ [I501]‎, daughter of Jan Malina and Františka Semeráková‏.
Born ‎4 Sep 1858 Trebišov 39 okr Náchod‎

Occupation: maid at train station in Krnov
Religion: catholic
- Trebišov 39 okr Náchod
- Zámostí 38

Book: o Krnsko 19 Fol 21, Pg 23 - https://ebadatelna.soapraha.cz/d/7282/23

Married ‎16 Feb 1885 Zámostí, age 26 years (married 66 or 67 years) to:

manJosef Umlauf‏‎ [I75], age by marriage 22 years, son of Josef Umlauf and Kateřina Kubátová‏.
Born ‎25 Jun 1862 Krnsko 45, died ‎1952 Sukorady‎, age 89 or 90 years, ‎1st marriage to: Josefa Malinová, 2nd marriage to: Marie Malíková
Umlauf Josef 1862
Umlauf Josef 1862.jpg
Umlauf Josef 1862

Occupation: truhlář
Religion: catholic
- Krnsko 45
- Zámostí 6
- Dlouhá Lhota 8
No. children: 3
Age: 89

* Krnsko 16 Fol.43 Pg 45 - https://ebadatelna.soapraha.cz/d/7279/45
o Krnsko 19 Fol 21, Pg 23 - https://ebadatelna.soapraha.cz/d/7282/23
o Březno 36 Fol.138, Pg 137


manJosef Umlauf‏‎ [I1151]
Born ‎21 Jan 1891, died ‎26 Oct 1934 Mladá Boleslav‎, age 43 years

- factory worker
- litograf
Religion: atheist
- Mladá Boleslav 83-II
- Mladá Boleslav 74-IV
Age: 43
Cause of death: tbc pulm.
Cemetery: Mladá Boleslav - 29.10.1934

Book: o Mladá Boleslav-oú 06 Pg 87 - https://ebadatelna.soapraha.cz/d/14083/87
Book: + Mladá Boleslav-oú 08 Pg 195 - https://ebadatelna.soapraha.cz/d/14085/195

womanEmílie Umlaufová‏‎ [I1127]
Born ‎7 Jun 1885 Zámostí 6‎

Religion: catholic
Residence: Zámostí 6

Book: * Krnsko 19 Fol 108 Pg 109 - https://ebadatelna.soapraha.cz/d/7282/109

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