woman‎Catherine Ellen Stano‏‎ [I194]‎, daughter of Michael Miloslav Stano and Elizabeth Ann Langyel‏.
Born ‎3 Sep Slovensko‎
Stano Catherine
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Stano Catherine

Education: Syracuses University's College of Visual and Performing Arts
Povolanie: Graphic Design
New York, NY, USA
Lawrencewille, NJ, USA

Married ‎24 Jun 1995 (married 29 years) to:

manKirkwood Adams LeCompte‏‎ [I195], son of Edwin Lee LeCompte and Jane Dabney Sounders‏.
Born ‎20 Dec Virginia Beach, VA, USA‎
LeCompte Kirkwood
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LeCompte Kirkwood

Education: Dartmouth College
Povolanie: IT
Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA
Lawrencewille, NJ, USA


man‎Adam Michael LeCompte‏‎ [I197]‎
Born ‎12 Aug‎
LeCompte Adam
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LeCompte Adam

Bydlisko: Lawrencewille, NJ, USA

man‎Nathaniel Lee LeCompte‏‎ [I196]‎
Born ‎25 Sep‎
LeCompte Nathaniel
LeCompte Nathaniel.jpg
LeCompte Nathaniel

Bydlisko: Lawrencewille, NJ, USA

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