Stano rodokmen

Gundová Jana 1972.jpg

Jana GundováAge: 53 years1972

Jana Gundová
Birth 1972 37 31

Death of a maternal grandfatherJuraj Šuňavec
October 3, 1972
Liptovská Kokava, Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovensko
Latitude: N49.087372 Longitude: E19.814941

Death of a maternal grandmotherBožena Stanová
September 21, 1997 (Age 25 years)
Liptovská Kokava, Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovensko
Latitude: N49.087372 Longitude: E19.814941

Death of a fatherMilan Gunda
December 5, 2018 (Age 46 years)
Latitude: N49.178555 Longitude: E19.177179

Death of a motherEva Emília Šuňavcová
November 18, 2021 (Age 49 years)
Žilina, Slovensko
Latitude: N49.178555 Longitude: E19.177179

Media objectGundová Jana 1972.jpg
Gundová Jana 1972.jpg
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 130 × 180 pixels
File size: 4 KB
Note: Gundová Jana 1972