Kamil LeštachAge: 54 years1971–
- Name
- Kamil Leštach
Birth | 1971 43 37 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Robert Pálka 1977 (Age 6 years) |
Death of a mother | Magdaléna Pálková 1983 (Age 12 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Mária Repaská 1988 (Age 17 years) |
Death of a brother | Milan Leštach 2013 (Age 42 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Milan Leštach Birth: 1928 — Poprad, Slovensko |
mother |
Magdaléna Pálková Birth: 1934 36 30 — Veľká Lomnica, Slovensko Death: 1983 — Poprad, Slovensko |
himself |
Kamil Leštach Birth: 1971 43 37 — Poprad, Slovensko |
-5 years elder brother |
Milan Leštach Birth: 1965 37 31 — Poprad, Slovensko Death: 2013 |