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Bišická Josefa 1889-1983.jpg

Josefa BišickáAge: 93 years18891983

Josefa Bišická
Birth November 10, 1889
Praha - Smíchov 261
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Birth of a daughter
Růžena Košatová
September 14, 1915 (Age 25 years)
Praha - Smíchov
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Death of a husbandJosef Košata
July 11, 1970 (Age 80 years)
Death March 5, 1983 (Age 93 years)
Family with Josef Košata - View this family

Media objectBišická Josefa 1889-1983.jpg
Bišická Josefa 1889-1983.jpg
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 130 × 180 pixels
File size: 3 KB
Note: Bišická Josefa 1889-1983