Stano rodokmen

Johan Pálka1825

Johan Pálka
Birth February 17, 1825 26 25
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Birth of a sisterMariana Pálka
December 6, 1826 (Age 21 months)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Birth of a sisterFranziska Pálka
April 29, 1828 (Age 3 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Birth of a brotherAnton Pálka
May 20, 1832 (Age 7 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Birth of a brotherJosef Pálka
November 25, 1837 (Age 12 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Death of a paternal grandfatherFranz Palka
November 21, 1845 (Age 20 years)
Sychotín 11, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Death of a motherTherezie Klukan
December 7, 1855 (Age 30 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Death of a brotherJosef Pálka
December 10, 1894 (Age 69 years)
Sychotín 41, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Death of a brotherAnton Pálka
July 5, 1910 (Age 85 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Family with parents - View this family
younger sister
-22 months
3 years
younger sister
4 years
younger brother
6 years
younger brother


Náboženstvo: katolícke

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