Stano rodokmen

Maria Anna Palka1759

Maria Anna Palka
Birth August 23, 1759 26 30
Makov, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Birth of a brotherFranciscus Palka
September 17, 1762 (Age 3 years)
Makov, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Birth of a brotherJoannes Palka
October 26, 1765 (Age 6 years)
Makov, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Death of a brotherFranciscus Palka
March 17, 1766 (Age 6 years)
Makov, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Death of a motherAnna ?
October 25, 1769 (Age 10 years)
Makov, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Death of a sisterAnna Palka
January 28, 1773 (Age 13 years)
Makov 13, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Family with parents - View this family
elder sister
Anna Palka
Birth: February 28, 1753 20 24Makov 13, okr. Blansko
Death: January 28, 1773Makov 13, okr. Blansko
13 years
younger brother
-3 years
younger brother
Franciscus Palka
Birth: September 17, 1762 29 33Makov, okr. Blansko
Death: March 17, 1766Makov, okr. Blansko
-3 years
-2 years
elder brother


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