Barbara PalkaAge: 2 months1756–1757
- Name
- Barbara Palka
Birth | December 5, 1756 29 |
Death | February 6, 1757 (Age 2 months) |
Family with parents - View this family |
father |
Josephus Palka Birth: March 12, 1727 26 20 — Zbraslavec, okr. Blansko |
mother | |
elder sister |
Anna Palka Birth: March 29, 1754 27 — Makov, okr. Blansko Death: March 3, 1774 — Sychotín 8, okr. Blansko |
10 years younger sister |
Theresia Palka Birth: April 1, 1764 37 — Sychotín, okr. Blansko Death: April 6, 1764 — Sychotín, okr. Blansko |
-7 years herself |
Barbara Palka Birth: December 5, 1756 29 — Makov, okr. Blansko Death: February 6, 1757 — Makov, okr. Blansko |
3 years younger brother |
Josephus Palka Birth: June 25, 1759 32 — Sychotín |
younger brother |
Antonius Palka Birth: June 25, 1759 32 — Sychotín Death: October 17, 1759 — Sychotín |
2 years younger brother |
Franciscus Palka Birth: November 10, 1761 34 — Sychotín Death: October 31, 1763 — Sychotín |
4 years younger sister |
Theresia Palka Birth: September 20, 1765 38 — Sychotín Death: January 23, 1766 — Sychotín |
17 months younger brother |
Antonius Palka Birth: February 8, 1767 39 — Sychotín, okr. Blansko |
3 years younger brother |
Franz Palka Birth: August 15, 1769 42 — Sychotín, okr. Blansko Death: November 21, 1845 — Sychotín 11, okr. Blansko |
Note | Zdroj: * + |
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Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Josephus Palka
Polexina ?
Anna Palka
Theresia Palka
Barbara Palka
Josephus Palka
Antonius Palka
Franciscus Palka
Theresia Palka
Antonius Palka
Franz Palka