Stano rodokmen

Josef Pálka1860

Josef Pálka
Birth October 11, 1860 28 33
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Birth of a daughter
Maria Pálka
September 7 (on the date of death)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Birth of a sisterMariana Pálka
August 21, 1863 (Age 2 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Death of a sisterMariana Pálka
April 19, 1865 (Age 4 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Birth of a sisterLeopoldina Pálka
November 6, 1865 (Age 5 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Birth of a brotherIgnác (Hynek) Pálka
July 1, 1870 (Age 9 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Civil marriageAlžběta HolkuView this family
October 21, 1888 (Age 28 years)
Birth of a son
Josef Pálka
1894 (Age 33 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Death of a sonJosef Pálka
September 26, 1894 (Age 33 years)
Sychotín 7, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Death of a motherFrantiška Kolbábková
April 4, 1906 (Age 45 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Death of a fatherAnton Pálka
July 5, 1910 (Age 49 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Civil marriageMarie KošičkováView this family
October 15, 1910 (Age 50 years)
Death of a brotherFranz Pálka
June 18, 1912 (Age 51 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: November 14, 1854Kunštát, okr. Blansko
9 years
younger sister
Mariana Pálka
Birth: August 21, 1863 31 36Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Death: April 19, 1865Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
-3 years
-5 years
elder brother
14 years
younger brother
-5 years
younger sister
Family with Marie Košičková - View this family
Marriage: October 15, 1910Blansko
Family with Alžběta Holku - View this family
Marriage: October 21, 1888Kunštát, okr. Blansko
Josef Pálka
Birth: 1894 33Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Death: September 26, 1894Sychotín 7, okr. Blansko


Náboženstvo: katolícke Povolanie: krejčí

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