Stano rodokmen

Ignác (Hynek) Pálka
Birth July 1, 1870 38 43
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Civil marriageFrantiška ChalupníkováView this family
November 20, 1893 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a son
- Pálka
January 19, 1894 (Age 23 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Death of a son- Pálka
January 19, 1894 (Age 23 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Birth of a daughter
Marie Pálková
December 7, 1894 (Age 24 years)
Sychotín 47, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Birth of a son
Josef Pálka
March 13, 1897 (Age 26 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Birth of a son
František Pálka
March 26, 1899 (Age 28 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Death of a motherFrantiška Kolbábková
April 4, 1906 (Age 35 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Death of a fatherAnton Pálka
July 5, 1910 (Age 40 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Death of a brotherFranz Pálka
June 18, 1912 (Age 41 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Marriage of a childKarel FinerMarie PálkováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
October 4, 1919 (Age 49 years)