Josef VitoulAge: 73 years1803–1876
- Name
- Josef Vitoul
Birth | 1803 |
Birth of a son #1 | Josef Vitoul March 6, 1856 (Age 53 years) |
Death | September 28, 1876 (Age 73 years) |
Family with Josefa Nováková |
himself |
Josef Vitoul Birth: 1803 — Drnovice, okr.Blansko Death: September 28, 1876 — Drnovice 83, okr. Blansko |
wife | |
son |
Josef Vitoul Birth: March 6, 1856 53 — Drnovice 83, okr. Blansko |
Note | Náboženstvo: katolícke Povolanie: služebný ve dvoře v Drnovicích Zdroj: + |