Stano rodokmen

Františka KolbábkováAge: 78 years18271906

Františka Kolbábková
Birth June 18, 1827
Touboř, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Civil marriageAnton PálkaView this family
November 14, 1854 (Age 27 years)
Birth of a son
Franz Pálka
February 2, 1856 (Age 28 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Birth of a son
Josef Pálka
October 11, 1860 (Age 33 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Birth of a daughter
Mariana Pálka
August 21, 1863 (Age 36 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Death of a daughterMariana Pálka
April 19, 1865 (Age 37 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Birth of a daughter
Leopoldina Pálka
November 6, 1865 (Age 38 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Birth of a son
Ignác (Hynek) Pálka
July 1, 1870 (Age 43 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Marriage of a childFranz PálkaMaria TesařováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
October 8, 1880 (Age 53 years)
Marriage of a childJosef PálkaAlžběta HolkuView this family
Type: Civil marriage
October 21, 1888 (Age 61 years)
Marriage of a childJosef BeránekLeopoldina PálkaView this family
Type: Civil marriage
February 1, 1892 (Age 64 years)
Marriage of a childIgnác (Hynek) PálkaFrantiška ChalupníkováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
November 20, 1893 (Age 66 years)
Death April 4, 1906 (Age 78 years)
Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Latitude: N49.46537 Longitude: E16.630739

Family with parents - View this family
Family with Anton Pálka - View this family
Marriage: November 14, 1854Kunštát, okr. Blansko
9 years
Mariana Pálka
Birth: August 21, 1863 31 36Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
Death: April 19, 1865Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko
-3 years
-5 years
14 years
-5 years


Náboženstvo: katolícke Počet detí: 5 Vek: 78 Príčina úmrtia: zánět plic

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