Josef PálkaAge: 57 years1837–1894
- Name
- Josef Pálka
Birth | November 25, 1837 38 37 |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Franz Palka November 21, 1845 (Age 7 years) |
Death of a mother | Therezie Klukan December 7, 1855 (Age 18 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Antonia Pálka January 16, 1865 (Age 27 years) |
Civil marriage | Rosalia Bartůněk — View this family October 17, 1865 (Age 27 years) |
Death of a wife | Rosalia Bartůněk May 14, 1889 (Age 51 years) |
Death | December 10, 1894 (Age 57 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Anton Pálka Birth: December 13, 1798 29 — Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko Death: Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko |
mother |
Therezie Klukan Birth: 1800 Death: December 7, 1855 — Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko |
elder sister |
Mariana Pálka Birth: December 6, 1826 27 26 — Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko |
-22 months elder brother |
Johan Pálka Birth: February 17, 1825 26 25 — Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko |
3 years elder sister |
Franziska Pálka Birth: April 29, 1828 29 28 — Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko |
4 years elder brother |
Anton Pálka Birth: May 20, 1832 33 32 — Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko Death: July 5, 1910 — Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko |
6 years himself |
Josef Pálka Birth: November 25, 1837 38 37 — Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko Death: December 10, 1894 — Sychotín 41, okr. Blansko |
Family with Rosalia Bartůněk |
himself |
Josef Pálka Birth: November 25, 1837 38 37 — Sychotín 40, okr. Blansko Death: December 10, 1894 — Sychotín 41, okr. Blansko |
wife |
Rosalia Bartůněk Birth: 1839 — Sychotín 12, okr. Blansko Death: May 14, 1889 — Sychotín 42, okr. Blansko |
Marriage: October 17, 1865 — Kunštát, okr. Blansko |
-9 months daughter |
Antonia Pálka Birth: January 16, 1865 27 26 — Sychotín 25, okr. Blansko Death: March 8, 1911 — Drnovice 54, okr. Blansko |
Note | Náboženstvo: katolícke Povolanie: podruh Vek: 57 Príčina úmrtia: tuberculosis Zdroj: * o + |