Stano rodokmen

Eva Mae StanoAge: 81 years1943

Eva Mae Stano
Birth September 15, 1943 30 24
Latitude: N40.631344 Longitude: W75.37661

Birth of a sisterMadaline Lee Stano
October 1945 (Age 2 years)
Lyndora, Butler County, PA, USA
Latitude: N39.341515 Longitude: W84.486313

Birth of a brotherMathew Jean Stano
January 7, 1953 (Age 9 years)
Latitude: N40.631344 Longitude: W75.37661

Death of a paternal grandfatherMatej Stano
October 20, 1964 (Age 21 years)
Coraopolis, Allegheny County, PA, USA
Latitude: N39.78373 Longitude: W100.445885

Death of a paternal grandmotherEva Hečio
April 1, 1966 (Age 22 years)
Coraoplis, Allegheny County, PA, USA
Latitude: N39.78373 Longitude: W100.445885

Death of a fatherMathew Jr. Stano
June 20, 1975 (Age 31 years)
Butler County, PA, USA
Latitude: N39.341515 Longitude: W84.486313

Death of a motherNaomi Marcella Sima
August 12, 1986 (Age 42 years)
Butler County, PA, USA
Latitude: N39.341515 Longitude: W84.486313

Death of a husbandJoseph Michael Kovalick
December 29, 2003 (Age 60 years)
Butler County, PA, USA
Latitude: N39.341515 Longitude: W84.486313

Death of a sisterNaomi Rosemarie Stano
June 18, 2005 (Age 61 years)
Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA, USA
Latitude: N40.438801 Longitude: W79.996414

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: March 11, 1939Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA, USA
14 years
younger brother
-7 years
younger sister
-2 years
-4 years
elder sister
Naomi Rosemarie Stano
Birth: March 28, 1940 26 21Sewickley, Allegheny County, PA, USA
Death: June 18, 2005Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA, USA
Family with Joseph Michael Kovalick - View this family