Stano rodokmen

Mathew Jr. StanoAge: 62 years19131975

Mathew Jr. Stano
Birth April 9, 1913 33 27
Glencoe, Belmont County, OH, USA
Latitude: N40.008129 Longitude: W80.887589

Death of a paternal grandfatherMichal Stano
September 1, 1935 (Age 22 years)
Liptovská Kokava, Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovensko
Latitude: N49.087372 Longitude: E19.814941

Civil marriageNaomi Marcella SimaView this family
March 11, 1939 (Age 25 years)
Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA, USA
Latitude: N40.438801 Longitude: W79.996414

Birth of a daughter
Naomi Rosemarie Stano
March 28, 1940 (Age 26 years)
Sewickley, Allegheny County, PA, USA
Latitude: N39.78373 Longitude: W100.445885

Birth of a daughter
Eva Mae Stano
September 15, 1943 (Age 30 years)
Latitude: N40.631344 Longitude: W75.37661

Birth of a daughter
Madaline Lee Stano
October 1945 (Age 32 years)
Lyndora, Butler County, PA, USA
Latitude: N39.341515 Longitude: W84.486313

Birth of a son
Mathew Jean Stano
January 7, 1953 (Age 39 years)
Latitude: N40.631344 Longitude: W75.37661

Death of a fatherMatej Stano
October 20, 1964 (Age 51 years)
Coraopolis, Allegheny County, PA, USA
Latitude: N39.78373 Longitude: W100.445885

Death of a motherEva Hečio
April 1, 1966 (Age 52 years)
Coraoplis, Allegheny County, PA, USA
Latitude: N39.78373 Longitude: W100.445885

Death of a sisterMildred Stano
1972 (Age 58 years)

Death June 20, 1975 (Age 62 years)
Butler County, PA, USA
Latitude: N39.341515 Longitude: W84.486313

Family with parents - View this family
Matej Stano
Birth: April 5, 1880 27 30Liptovská Kokava, Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovensko
Death: October 20, 1964Coraopolis, Allegheny County, PA, USA
Marriage: November 29, 1902Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA, USA
10 years
-5 years
elder sister
Eva Emma Stano
Birth: March 3, 1908 27 22Glencoe, Belmont County, OH, USA
Death: November 7, 1986Coraopolis, Allegheny County, PA, USA
-14 months
elder sister
-23 months
elder sister
Marie Stano
Birth: January 1904 23 18Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA, USA
Death: February 11, 1904Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA, USA
Family with Naomi Marcella Sima - View this family
Marriage: March 11, 1939Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA, USA
14 years
-7 years
-2 years
-4 years
Naomi Rosemarie Stano
Birth: March 28, 1940 26 21Sewickley, Allegheny County, PA, USA
Death: June 18, 2005Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA, USA