Stano rodokmen

Vallová Daniela 1979.jpg

Daniela VallováAge: 45 years1979

Daniela Vallová
Birth September 30, 1979 21 20
Poprad, Slovensko
Latitude: N49.173847 Longitude: E20.143539

Death of a maternal grandfatherDaniel Stano
June 14, 1981 (Age 20 months)
Poprad, Slovensko
Latitude: N49.173847 Longitude: E20.143539

Marriage of parentsEduard ValloHedviga StanováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
September 24, 1983 (Age 3 years)
Poprad, Slovensko
Latitude: N49.173847 Longitude: E20.143539

Birth of a sisterTatiana Vallová
July 26, 1984 (Age 4 years)
Poprad, Slovensko
Latitude: N49.173847 Longitude: E20.143539

Civil marriageDaniel HlávkaView this family
June 14, 2013 (Age 33 years)
Poprad, Slovensko
Latitude: N49.173847 Longitude: E20.143539

Death of a maternal grandmotherHedviga Pálková
July 19, 2019 (Age 39 years)
Poprad, Slovensko
Latitude: N49.173847 Longitude: E20.143539

Birth of a son
Elliot Daniel Hlavka
April 16, 2021 (Age 41 years)
Bristol, England
Latitude: N54.135696 Longitude: W2.572741


Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: September 24, 1983Poprad, Slovensko
10 months
younger sister
-5 years
Family with Daniel Hlávka - View this family
Marriage: June 14, 2013Poprad, Slovensko
8 years

Media objectVallová Daniela 1979.jpg
Vallová Daniela 1979.jpg
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Image dimensions: 130 × 180 pixels
File size: 3 KB
Note: Vallová Daniela 1979
Media objectwe_oo DV a DH.jpg
we_oo DV a DH.jpg
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Image dimensions: 906 × 654 pixels
File size: 209 KB