Stano rodokmen

Vladimir Samuel GasparecAge: 76 years1948

Vladimir Samuel Gasparec
Birth November 13, 1948 34 27
New York, NY, USA
Latitude: N40.752796 Longitude: W74.001549

Birth of a brotherJan Miroslav Gasparec
July 29, 1950 (Age 20 months)
New York, NY, USA
Latitude: N40.752796 Longitude: W74.001549

Birth of a sisterEva Anna Gasparec
April 24, 1955 (Age 6 years)
Austria, Queens, NY, USA
Latitude: N47.495152 Longitude: E9.717887

Death of a maternal grandfatherAdam Stano
April 20, 1983 (Age 34 years)
Long Island City, Queens County, NY, USA
Latitude: N40.757065 Longitude: W73.845825

Death of a fatherJan Gasparec
November 9, 1986 (Age 37 years)
Rockville Centre, Nassau County, NY, USA
Latitude: N40.664272 Longitude: W73.638275

Death of a motherBožena Beatrice Stano
September 9, 2008 (Age 59 years)
Merrick, Nassau County, NY, USA
Latitude: N40.65144 Longitude: W73.553398

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: May 3, 1947New York, NY, USA
8 years
younger sister
-6 years
20 months
younger brother