Verner rodokmen

Josef Malík1795

Josef Malík
Birth May 18, 1795 40
Dlouhá Lhota 30
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Birth of a brotherFrantišek Malík
May 18, 1795
Dlouhá Lhota 30
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Death of a fatherJan Malík
December 5, 1795 (Age 6 months)
Death of a brotherJan Malík
January 29, 1799 (Age 3 years)
Death of a brotherVáclav Malík
January 6, 1840 (Age 44 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 30
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733


Family with parents - View this family
-8 years
elder brother
-20 months
elder brother
Jan Malík
Birth: February 5, 1786 31Dlouhá Lhota 30
Death: January 29, 1799Dlouhá Lhota 30
7 years
elder brother
2 years
twin brother
-5 years
elder brother


Náboženství: katolické Bydliště: Dlouhá Lhota 30, 8

Zdroj: * Březno 06 Pg 79 Fol. 90

dvojče František