Antonie Košatová1903–
- Name
- Antonie Košatová
Birth | October 25, 1903 47 45 |
Death of a sister | Marie Františka Košatová April 30, 1909 (Age 5 years) |
Death of a father | František Vojtěch Košata August 26, 1919 (Age 15 years) |
deceased |
Family with parents |
father |
František Vojtěch Košata Birth: April 22, 1856 21 19 — Bílkovice 43 Death: August 26, 1919 — Vlašim 170 |
mother |
Marie Selingerová Birth: 1858 — Vlašim 183 |
Marriage: October 22, 1878 — Benešov |
25 years herself |
Antonie Košatová Birth: October 25, 1903 47 45 — Vlašim 170 |
-16 years elder sister |
Františka Košatová Birth: December 5, 1887 31 29 — Vlašim 176 |
3 years elder sister |
Anna Košatová Birth: August 12, 1890 34 32 — Vlašim 176 Death: October 25, 1890 — Vlašim 176 |
-12 years elder brother |
František Košata Birth: November 22, 1878 22 20 — Vlašim 183 Death: January 25, 1879 — Bílkovice 43 |
14 years elder brother |
Antonín Košata Birth: January 16, 1893 36 35 — Vlašim 176 Death: January 29, 1893 — Vlašim 176 |
-13 years elder brother |
Karel Košata Birth: December 16, 1879 23 21 — Bílkovice 43 |
4 years elder sister |
Marie Františka Košatová Birth: December 3, 1883 27 25 — Bílkovice 18 Death: April 30, 1909 — Vlašim 176 |
-13 months elder brother |
Alois Košata Birth: November 5, 1882 26 24 — Bílkovice 43 Death: December 12, 1882 — Bílkovice 43 |
Note | Náboženství: katolické Bydliště: Vlašim 170 Zdroj: * Vlašim 25 Pg 85 |