Antonín KošataAge: 3 months1878–1878
- Name
- Antonín Košata
Birth | June 20, 1878 43 27 |
Death | October 9, 1878 (Age 3 months) |
Family with parents |
father |
František Košata Birth: February 26, 1835 42 38 — Nový Dvůr 30 |
mother |
Kateřina Melichnová Birth: July 11, 1850 28 25 — Teplýšovice 29 |
Marriage: July 24, 1877 — Radošovice |
4 years younger sister |
Antonie Košatová Birth: December 18, 1881 46 31 — Bílkovice 43 |
-2 years younger sister |
Barbora Košatová Birth: January 2, 1880 44 29 — Bílkovice 43 |
-18 months himself |
Antonín Košata Birth: June 20, 1878 43 27 — Bílkovice 43 Death: October 9, 1878 — Bílkovice 43 |
Father’s family with Anna Pěnkavová |
father |
František Košata Birth: February 26, 1835 42 38 — Nový Dvůr 30 |
step-mother |
Anna Pěnkavová Birth: 1837 — Radonice 13, okr. Vlašim Death: March 27, 1877 — Bílkovice 43 |
Marriage: 1855 — |
11 years half-brother |
Vít Košata Birth: June 16, 1866 31 29 — Bílkovice 43 Death: October 12, 1866 — Bílkovice 43 |
-3 years half-sister |
Anna Košatová Birth: December 21, 1863 28 26 — Bílkovice 43 Death: May 22, 1864 — Bílkovice 43 |
5 years half-sister |
Františka Košatová Birth: January 25, 1869 33 32 — Bílkovice 43 Death: May 22, 1869 — Bílkovice 43 |
-13 years half-brother |
František Vojtěch Košata Birth: April 22, 1856 21 19 — Bílkovice 43 Death: August 26, 1919 — Vlašim 170 |
2 years half-brother |
Note | Náboženství: katolické Bydliště: Bílkovice 43 Věk: 3 m. Příčina úmrtí: zánět střev Hřbitov: Radošovice Zdroj: * Radošovice 12 Pg 11 + Radošovice 16 Pg 8 |