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Jakub KošataAge: 83 years17931876

Jakub Košata
Birth 1793 27
Dolany 14
Latitude: N50.115459 Longitude: E15.687662

Birth of a brotherVáclav Košata
July 3, 1800 (Age 7 years)
Death of a brotherVáclav Košata
August 20, 1800 (Age 7 years)
Civil marriageAnna VokounováView this family
1815 (Age 22 years)

Birth of a son
František Košata
February 26, 1835 (Age 42 years)
Nový Dvůr 30
Latitude: N50.232441 Longitude: E15.112727

Death of a motherKateřina Kalašová
November 20, 1836 (Age 43 years)
Marriage of a childFrantišek KošataAnna PěnkavováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
1855 (Age 62 years)

Death of a wifeAnna Vokounová
September 8, 1865 (Age 72 years)
Bílkovice 43
Latitude: N49.761967 Longitude: E14.850864

Death October 25, 1876 (Age 83 years)
Soběšín 22
Latitude: N49.801914 Longitude: E14.967118

Family with parents - View this family
younger brother
Václav Košata
Birth: July 3, 1800 34Drahňovice 32 okr. Vlašim
Death: August 20, 1800Drahňovice 32 okr. Vlašim32
Family with Anna Vokounová - View this family
Marriage: 1815
20 years


Povolání: šafář, ovčák, čeledín Náboženství: katolické Bydliště: Dolany 14 Nový Dvůr 30 Soběšín 22 Věk: 83 Hřbitov: Soběšín

Zdroj: + Zdebuzeves 14 Pg 116