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Marie Dvořáková1850

Marie Dvořáková
Birth March 11, 1850 27 25
Libichov 31
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Birth of a brotherJosef Dvořák
February 2, 1853 (Age 2 years)
Libichov 31
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Birth of a brotherJan Dvořák
June 24, 1855 (Age 5 years)
Libichov 31
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Birth of a brotherVáclav Dvořák
January 31, 1858 (Age 7 years)
Libichov 31
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Birth of a sisterBarbora Dvořáková
March 8, 1861 (Age 10 years)
Libichov 31
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906


Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: November 5, 1849Dobrovice
6 years
younger brother
-5 years
11 years
younger sister
-3 years
younger brother
-5 years
younger brother


Náboženství: katolické

Zdroj: * Dobrovice 38 Pg 49