Verner rodokmen

Stott Jeremy 1989.jpg

Jeremy Alexander Michael StottAge: 36 years1989

Jeremy Alexander Michael Stott
Birth 1989 38
Latitude: N46.92004 Longitude: W56.35627

Death of a fatherGregory Bruce Stott
May 16, 2010 (Age 21 years)
Toronto ON, Canada
Latitude: N43.723038 Longitude: W79.388344

Death of a maternal grandfatherMiroslav Václav Umlauf
June 24, 2013 (Age 24 years)
Toronto ON, Canada
Latitude: N43.723038 Longitude: W79.388344

Death of a maternal grandmotherEmily Louise Bright
April 1, 2019 (Age 30 years)
Scarboro, ON Canada
Latitude: N51.039902 Longitude: W114.106728

Media objectStott Jeremy 1989.jpg
Stott Jeremy 1989.jpg
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 130 × 180 pixels
File size: 4 KB
Note: Stott Jeremy 1989