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Barbora Fadrhonsová1850

Barbora Fadrhonsová
Birth 1850
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Death of a maternal grandmotherVeronika Vernerová
September 8, 1850
Vinařice 29
Latitude: N50.377651 Longitude: E14.946289

Birth of a sisterKateřina Fadrhonsová
April 18, 1856 (Age 6 years)
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Birth of a sisterMaří Magdalena Fadrhonsová
May 16, 1858 (Age 8 years)
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Birth of a brotherVáclav Fadrhons
August 3, 1859 (Age 9 years)
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Birth of a sisterMarie Majdalena Fadrhonsová
February 28, 1862 (Age 12 years)
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Birth of a sisterTeresie Fadrhonsová
October 13, 1863 (Age 13 years)
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Birth of a son
Josef Fadrhons
April 4, 1868 (Age 18 years)
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Death of a sonJosef Fadrhons
April 25, 1868 (Age 18 years)
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Birth of a son
Josef Fadrhons
November 7, 1869 (Age 19 years)
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Death of a sonJosef Fadrhons
December 1, 1869 (Age 19 years)
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Civil marriageVáclav KlacekView this family
May 9, 1870 (Age 20 years)
Latitude: N50.36879 Longitude: E14.953681

Birth of a daughter
Marie Klacková
January 9, 1871 (Age 21 years)
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Death of a daughterMarie Klacková
January 12, 1871 (Age 21 years)
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Birth of a daughter
Marie Klacková
August 9, 1872 (Age 22 years)
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Birth of a daughter
Anna Klacková
July 8, 1874 (Age 24 years)
Libichov 11
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Birth of a daughter
Kateřina Klacková
January 9, 1877 (Age 27 years)
Libichov 11
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Death of a daughterAnna Klacková
January 23, 1890 (Age 40 years)
Libichov 11
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Marriage of a childAdolf KredbaKateřina KlackováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
February 7, 1899 (Age 49 years)
Latitude: N50.36879 Longitude: E14.953681


Family with parents - View this family
younger sister
-13 years
-1 years
elder sister
14 years
younger sister
-3 years
younger brother
-15 months
younger sister
-2 years
younger sister
… … + Barbora Fadrhonsová - View this family
-19 months
Family with Václav Klacek - View this family
Marriage: May 9, 1870Dobrovice
4 years
-23 months
-19 months
6 years


Náboženství: katolické

Zdroj: o Dobrovice 38 Pg 14