Verner rodokmen

Marie Brzobohatá
Birth 1879 32 37
Ctiměřice 10
Latitude: N50.381153 Longitude: E14.996918

Birth of a brotherVáclav Brzobohatý
1880 (Age 12 months)
Ctiměřice 10
Latitude: N50.381153 Longitude: E14.996918

Death of a brotherVáclav Brzobohatý
1880 (Age 12 months)
Ctiměřice 10
Latitude: N50.381153 Longitude: E14.996918

Birth of a brotherVáclav Brzobohatý
1883 (Age 4 years)
Ctiměřice 10
Latitude: N50.381153 Longitude: E14.996918
