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Umlauf Miroslav 1920-2013.jpg
Miroslav Václav Umlauf
Birth May 25, 1920 57 26
Latitude: N50.430298 Longitude: E15.027117

Death of a maternal grandfatherVojtěch Malík
January 13, 1923 (Age 2 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 8
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Death of a half-brotherJosef Umlauf
October 26, 1934 (Age 14 years)
Civil marriageEmily Louise BrightView this family
March 10, 1945 (Age 24 years)
Clipston, England
Latitude: N51.926918 Longitude: W0.622411

Birth of a daughter
Linda Alena Umlauf
June 19, 1947 (Age 27 years)
Latitude: N54.702354 Longitude: W3.276575

Birth of a daughter
Victoria Marie Umlauf
1951 (Age 30 years)
Latitude: N54.702354 Longitude: W3.276575

Death of a fatherJosef Umlauf
1952 (Age 31 years)
Death of a motherMarie Malíková
November 18, 1972 (Age 52 years)
Latitude: N50.430298 Longitude: E15.027117

Death June 24, 2013 (Age 93 years)
Toronto ON, Canada
Latitude: N43.723038 Longitude: W79.388344