Verner rodokmen

Jan Hejl Age: 2 years18031806

Jan Hejl
Birth April 22, 1803 27 30
Vinařice 28
Latitude: N50.377651 Longitude: E14.946289

Death of a brotherVáclav Hejl
May 6, 1803 (Age 14 days)
Vinařice 28
Latitude: N50.377651 Longitude: E14.946289

Burial of a brotherVáclav Hejl
May 7, 1803 (Age 15 days)
Latitude: N50.36879 Longitude: E14.953681

Birth of a sisterBarbora Hejlová
December 16, 1805 (Age 2 years)
Vinařice 28
Latitude: N50.377651 Longitude: E14.946289

Death March 20, 1806 (Age 2 years)
Vinařice 28
Latitude: N50.377651 Longitude: E14.946289

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: April 16, 1793Vinařice 28
2 years
elder sister
18 years
younger sister
-16 years
elder brother
-3 years
elder sister
15 years
younger brother
-3 years
younger sister
-3 years
8 years
younger sister
5 years
younger brother
Václav Hejl
Birth: October 20, 1816 41 43Vinařice 28
Death: October 30, 1818Vinařice 28
-17 years
elder brother
2 years
elder brother


Náboženství: evangelické-ref. Věk: 2 Příčina úmrtí: psotník

Zdroj: * Bošín-ev 02 Fol.12-15, Pg 14 * Dobrovice 06 Pg 38 + Dobrovice 11 Pg 58