Václav KulhánekAge: 89 years1702–1791
- Name
- Václav Kulhánek
Birth | 1702 31 24 |
Birth of a brother | Jiřík Kulhánek 1707 (Age 5 years) |
Birth of a brother | Matěj Kulhánek 1710 (Age 8 years) |
Birth of a sister | Alžběta Kulhánková 1717 (Age 15 years) |
Birth of a brother | Josef Kulhánek November 28, 1720 (Age 18 years) |
Death of a father | Jiřík Kulhánek April 6, 1727 (Age 25 years) |
Death of a mother | Kateřina Rachotová June 7, 1730 (Age 28 years) |
Civil marriage | Marie < ? > — View this family November 12, 1730 (Age 28 years) |
Death of a wife | Marie < ? > March 29, 1758 (Age 56 years) |
Death of a brother | Josef Kulhánek November 17, 1763 (Age 61 years) |
Death | February 11, 1791 (Age 89 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Jiřík Kulhánek Birth: February 20, 1670 34 25 — Rohoznice Death: April 6, 1727 — Vřesník 1 |
mother |
Kateřina Rachotová Birth: September 22, 1677 — Rohoznice Death: June 7, 1730 — Vřesník 1 |
Marriage: November 24, 1697 — Rohoznice |
20 years younger sister |
Alžběta Kulhánková Birth: 1717 46 39 — Vřesník |
-6 years younger brother |
Matěj Kulhánek Birth: 1710 39 32 — Vřesník |
-2 years younger brother |
Jiřík Kulhánek Birth: 1707 36 29 — Vřesník |
-5 years elder sister |
Dorothea Kulhánková Birth: 1701 30 23 — Rohoznice |
2 years himself |
Václav Kulhánek Birth: 1702 31 24 Death: February 11, 1791 — Vřesník 1 |
-1 years elder brother |
Jan Kulhánek Birth: 1700 29 22 |
-14 months elder sister |
Dorothea Kulhánková Birth: October 19, 1698 28 21 — Rohoznice 39 Death: November 10, 1698 — Rohoznice 39 |
22 years younger brother |
Josef Kulhánek Birth: November 28, 1720 50 43 — Vřesník 1 Death: November 17, 1763 — Rohoznice |
Family with Marie < ? > |
himself |
Václav Kulhánek Birth: 1702 31 24 Death: February 11, 1791 — Vřesník 1 |
wife |
Marie < ? > Birth: Vřesník Death: March 29, 1758 — Vřesník |
Marriage: November 12, 1730 — Vřesník |
Note | Vzdělání: Povolání: farmář Náboženství: katolické Bydliště: - Rohoznice - Vřesník 1 Počet dětí: Věk: Hřbitov: Václav dědil po otci hospodářství dle dohody mezi sourozenci. Zdroj: o Matrika 85-3 Pg 301 https://matriky.online/zamrsk/085-00003/301/#zoom=1.402&x=0.736&y=0.563 |