Verner rodokmen

Veronika Tomanová
Vinařice 29
Latitude: N50.377651 Longitude: E14.946289

Birth of a daughter
Anna Fadrhonsová
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Birth of a daughter
Barbora Fadrhonsová
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Birth of a son
František Fadrhons
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Death of a motherVeronika Vernerová
September 8, 1850
Vinařice 29
Latitude: N50.377651 Longitude: E14.946289

Birth of a daughter
Kateřina Fadrhonsová
April 18, 1856
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Birth of a daughter
Maří Magdalena Fadrhonsová
May 16, 1858
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Birth of a son
Václav Fadrhons
August 3, 1859
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Birth of a daughter
Marie Majdalena Fadrhonsová
February 28, 1862
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Birth of a daughter
Teresie Fadrhonsová
October 13, 1863
Libichov 15
Latitude: N50.352406 Longitude: E14.908906

Marriage of a childJosef KlacekAnna FadrhonsováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
August 19, 1867
Latitude: N50.36879 Longitude: E14.953681

Marriage of a childVáclav KlacekBarbora FadrhonsováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
May 9, 1870
Latitude: N50.36879 Longitude: E14.953681

Death of a brotherJan Toman
December 3, 1871
Marriage of a childFrantišek FadrhonsMarie KrálováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
February 11, 1872
Marriage of a childPavel SajdlMarie Majdalena FadrhonsováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
May 15, 1883
Latitude: N50.36879 Longitude: E14.953681

Marriage of a childVáclav FadrhonsMarie JandováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
June 26, 1888
Latitude: N50.36879 Longitude: E14.953681
