Matěj KulhánekAge: 17 years1682–1700
- Name
- Matěj Kulhánek
Birth | October 4, 1682 46 38 |
Death of a brother | Martin Kulhánek November 14, 1683 (Age 13 months) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Kateřina < ? > December 27, 1683 (Age 14 months) |
Death of a father | Martin Kulhánek December 22, 1693 (Age 11 years) |
Death | April 19, 1700 (Age 17 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Martin Kulhánek Birth: 1636 36 — Rohoznice Death: December 22, 1693 — Rohoznice 49 |
mother |
Dorothea Krkonoška Birth: May 5, 1644 — Třemešná |
Marriage: April 23, 1662 — Rohoznice |
Marriage: April 23, 1662 — Rohoznice |
20 years himself |
Matěj Kulhánek Birth: October 4, 1682 46 38 — Rohoznice 27 Death: April 19, 1700 — Rohoznice 13 |
-3 years elder brother |
Martin Kulhánek Birth: October 8, 1679 43 35 — Rohoznice 27 Death: November 14, 1683 — Rohoznice 33 |
-19 months elder sister |
Anna Kulhánková Birth: March 3, 1678 42 33 — Rohoznice 22 |
-14 months elder sister |
Dorothea Kulhánková Birth: December 28, 1676 40 32 — Rohoznice 20 |
-3 years elder brother |
Václav Kulhánek Birth: March 5, 1674 38 29 — Rohoznice 31 Death: May 1, 1720 — Miletín 37 |
-19 months elder sister |
Kateřina Kulhánková Birth: August 14, 1672 36 28 — Rohoznice 29 |
-4 years elder brother |
Vilém (Wylym) Kulhánek Birth: May 20, 1668 32 24 — Rohoznice 20 Death: January 20, 1733 — Rohoznice 4 |
-23 months elder brother |
Jan (Johann) Kulhánek Birth: June 21, 1666 30 22 — Rohoznice 27 Death: June 8, 1735 — Třemešná 20 |
4 years elder brother |
Jiřík Kulhánek Birth: February 20, 1670 34 25 — Rohoznice Death: April 6, 1727 — Vřesník 1 |
Note | Vzdělání: Povolání: Náboženství: katolické Bydliště: Rohoznice 27, 13 Počet dětí: Věk: 17 Hřbitov: Zdroj: * Matrika 101-3 Pg 44 + Matrika 101-4 Pg 137 |