František KoteraAge: 8 months1884–1885
- Name
- František Kotera
Birth | December 9, 1884 31 29 |
Death | August 14, 1885 (Age 8 months) |
Family with parents |
father |
Jan Kotera Birth: 1853 — Týnec (Tejnice) 3 |
mother |
Kateřina Vernerová Birth: January 20, 1855 39 37 — Týnec (Tejnice) 11 |
Marriage: February 19, 1878 — Dobrovice |
10 years younger brother |
František Kotera Birth: September 1, 1887 34 32 — Týnec (Tejnice) 1 Death: December 21, 1888 — Týnec (Tejnice) 1 |
-19 months younger brother |
Jan Nepomucký Kotera Birth: February 6, 1886 33 31 — Týnec (Tejnice) 1 |
-14 months himself |
František Kotera Birth: December 9, 1884 31 29 — Týnec (Tejnice) 11 Death: August 14, 1885 — Týnec (Tejnice) 11 |
-23 months elder brother |
Josef Kotera Birth: January 18, 1883 30 27 — Týnec (Tejnice) 12 |
-17 months elder brother |
Václav Kotera Birth: August 30, 1881 28 26 — Týnec (Tejnice) 12 |
-2 years elder sister |
Anna Koterová Birth: July 24, 1879 26 24 — Týnec (Tejnice) 11 |
Mother’s family with an unknown individual |
mother |
Kateřina Vernerová Birth: January 20, 1855 39 37 — Týnec (Tejnice) 11 |
half-sister |
Barbora Koterová Birth: October 29, 1876 21 — Týnec (Tejnice) 11 Death: August 30, 1881 — Týnec (Tejnice) 12 |
Note | Náboženství: katolické Věk: 8 m. Příčina úmrtí: psotník Hřbitov: Týnec (Tejnice) Zdroj: * Dobrovice 33 Pg 56 + Dobrovice 33 Pg 75 |