Verner rodokmen

Anna Zvěřinová1814

Anna Zvěřinová
Birth June 9, 1814 34 27
Dolánky 2
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Birth of a sisterMarina Zvěřinová
November 7, 1816 (Age 2 years)
Dolánky 2
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Birth of a brotherJan Zvěřina
August 2, 1819 (Age 5 years)
Dolánky 2
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Birth of a sisterBarbora Zvěřinová
May 18, 1824 (Age 9 years)
Dolánky 2
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Death of a fatherJan Zvěřina
July 22, 1832 (Age 18 years)
Dolánky 2
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Civil marriageVáclav MařenkaView this family
August 10, 1834 (Age 20 years)
Latitude: N50.36879 Longitude: E14.953681

Marriage of a parentJan DufekAnna VernerováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
January 7, 1835 (Age 20 years)
Latitude: N50.36879 Longitude: E14.953681

Death of a motherAnna Vernerová
November 4, 1839 (Age 25 years)
Dolánky 2
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Burial of a motherAnna Vernerová
November 6, 1839 (Age 25 years)
Death of a brotherFrantišek Zvěřina
February 26, 1844 (Age 29 years)
Rabakov 5
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Burial of a brotherFrantišek Zvěřina
March 1, 1844 (Age 29 years)


Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: February 24, 1805Dobrovice
14 years
younger brother
-9 years
elder sister
-2 years
elder sister
16 years
younger sister
-8 years
younger sister
-2 years
-8 years
elder brother
Mother’s family with Jan Dufek - View this family
Marriage: January 7, 1835Dobrovice
Family with Václav Mařenka - View this family
Marriage: August 10, 1834Dobrovice


Náboženství: katolické

Zdroj: * Dobrovice 17 Pg 11 o Dobrovice 17 Pg 5