Verner rodokmen

Václav HejlAge: 72 years17261798

Václav Hejl
Birth 1726
Vinařice 28
Latitude: N50.377651 Longitude: E14.946289

Civil marriageMarie RulíkováView this family
February 16, 1762 (Age 36 years)
Latitude: N50.36879 Longitude: E14.953681

Birth of a daughter
Anna Hejlová
1768 (Age 42 years)
Latitude: N50.377651 Longitude: E14.946289

Birth of a son
Matěj Hejl
September 15, 1775 (Age 49 years)
Vinařice 28
Latitude: N50.377651 Longitude: E14.946289

Marriage of a childJan VernerAnna HejlováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
January 23, 1785 (Age 59 years)
Latitude: N50.36879 Longitude: E14.953681

Marriage of a childMatěj HejlLidmilla Dorothea VernerováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
April 16, 1793 (Age 67 years)
Vinařice 28
Latitude: N50.377651 Longitude: E14.946289

Death May 10, 1798 (Age 72 years)
Vinařice 28
Latitude: N50.377651 Longitude: E14.946289


Náboženství: katolické Věk: 72 Příčina úmrtí: horká zimnice

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