Verner rodokmen

Marie Magdalena Vernerová1821

Marie Magdalena Vernerová
Birth November 7, 1821 32 29
Rabakov 3
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Death of a maternal grandmotherAnna Vlková
June 15, 1823 (Age 19 months)
Rabakov 13
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Birth of a sisterBarbora Vernerová
July 5, 1823 (Age 19 months)
Rabakov 3
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Birth of a brotherJan Verner
March 27, 1827 (Age 5 years)
Rabakov 2
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Death of a sisterAnna Vernerová
August 21, 1830 (Age 8 years)
Rabakov 2
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Burial of a sisterAnna Vernerová
August 23, 1830 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a sisterAnna Vernerová
September 1, 1832 (Age 10 years)
Rabakov 2
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Birth of a brotherVáclav Verner
September 6, 1837 (Age 15 years)
Rabakov 2
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541


Baptism of a brotherVáclav Verner
September 7, 1837 (Age 15 years)
Civil marriageFrantišek ŠoreisView this family
November 3, 1841 (Age 19 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherJan Roudnický
November 11, 1847 (Age 26 years)
Rabakov 13
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Burial of a maternal grandfatherJan Roudnický
November 13, 1847 (Age 26 years)

Death of a motherAlžběta Roudnická
February 11, 1851 (Age 29 years)
Burial of a motherAlžběta Roudnická
February 13, 1851 (Age 29 years)

Marriage of a parentJan VernerKateřina BrousilováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
November 24, 1851 (Age 30 years)
Death of a sisterKateřina Vernerová
March 4, 1857 (Age 35 years)
Rabakov 4
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Death of a fatherJan Verner
December 6, 1868 (Age 47 years)
Rabakov 2
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Burial of a fatherJan Verner
December 9, 1868 (Age 47 years)
Death of a brotherJan Verner
April 14, 1880 (Age 58 years)
Rabakov 2
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Burial of a brotherJan Verner
April 18, 1880 (Age 58 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: November 16, 1812Řitonice
11 years
younger sister
-20 months
-5 years
elder sister
16 years
younger sister
-19 years
elder sister
13 years
younger brother
10 years
younger brother
Father’s family with Kateřina Brousilová - View this family
Marriage: November 24, 1851Rabakov 2
Family with František Šoreis - View this family
Marriage: November 3, 1841Řitonice


Náboženství: katolické

Zdroj: * Řitonice 01 Fol.304, Pg 120 o Řitonice 08 Fol.111, Pg 106