Verner rodokmen

Jan ChotěborAge: 44 years18341878

Jan Chotěbor
Birth January 20, 1834 35 20
Rabakov 4
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Death of a paternal grandfatherJosef Chotěbor
January 21, 1834 (Age 1 day)
Rabakov 4
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Birth of a brotherJozef Chotěbor
September 26, 1841 (Age 7 years)
Rabakov 4
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Birth of a brotherFrantišek Chotěbor
September 12, 1847 (Age 13 years)
Death of a fatherFrantišek Xaver Chotěbor
January 10, 1849 (Age 14 years)
Rabakov 4
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Burial of a fatherFrantišek Xaver Chotěbor
January 12, 1849 (Age 14 years)

Death of a maternal grandmotherAlžběta Roudnická
February 11, 1851 (Age 17 years)
Burial of a maternal grandmotherAlžběta Roudnická
February 13, 1851 (Age 17 years)

Death of a motherKateřina Vernerová
March 4, 1857 (Age 23 years)
Rabakov 4
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Birth of a daughter
Marie Chotěborová
January 7, 1864 (Age 29 years)
Rabakov 4
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Birth of a son
Jan Křtitel Chotěbor
March 23, 1865 (Age 31 years)
Rabakov 4
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Death of a sonJan Křtitel Chotěbor
June 26, 1865 (Age 31 years)
Rabakov 4
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Birth of a son
Josef Chotěbor
July 15, 1866 (Age 32 years)
Rabakov 4
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Birth of a daughter
Anna Chotěborová
August 22, 1868 (Age 34 years)
Rabakov 4
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Death of a maternal grandfatherJan Verner
December 6, 1868 (Age 34 years)
Rabakov 2
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Burial of a maternal grandfatherJan Verner
December 9, 1868 (Age 34 years)
Birth of a son
František Josef Chotěbor
March 23, 1871 (Age 37 years)
Rabakov 4
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Birth of a daughter
Františka Chotěborová
December 21, 1875 (Age 41 years)
Rabakov 4
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Death June 24, 1878 (Age 44 years)
Rabakov 4
Latitude: N50.385651 Longitude: E15.101541

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: October 25, 1830Rabakov 2
17 years
younger brother
-6 years
younger brother
-11 years
elder sister
3 years
Family with Anna Otová - View this family
-5 years
-3 years
-2 years
-16 months
-14 months


Zdroj: Řitonice 01 Fol.512, Pg 214 Řitonice 07 Fol.133, Pg 136 Řitonice-09 Fol.147, Pg 149