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Antonín Malík1848

Antonín Malík
Birth March 17, 1848 29 30
Dlouhá Lhota 30
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Birth of a brotherVincenc Malík
May 16, 1849 (Age 13 months)
Dlouhá Lhota 30
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Birth of a brotherPetr Malík
June 23, 1851 (Age 3 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 30
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Birth of a brotherKarel Malík
June 20, 1853 (Age 5 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 30
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Birth of a sisterAlžběta Malíková
December 19, 1855 (Age 7 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 30
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Birth of a brotherBohumil Malík
December 22, 1857 (Age 9 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 30
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Birth of a brotherVojtěch Malík
March 26, 1860 (Age 12 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 30
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733


Baptism of a brotherVojtěch Malík
March 27, 1860 (Age 12 years)
Birth of a brotherAdolf Eduard Malík
September 11, 1862 (Age 14 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 30
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Death of a paternal grandmotherAlžběta Zemanová
January 14, 1863 (Age 14 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 30
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Birth of a sisterAnna Malíková
January 31, 1865 (Age 16 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 30
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Death of a brotherVincenc Malík
December 16, 1866 (Age 18 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 30
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Death of a brotherPetr Malík
February 2, 1879 (Age 30 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 66
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Death of a motherAlžběta Somrová
September 15, 1887 (Age 39 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 66
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Death of a brotherVojtěch Malík
January 13, 1923 (Age 74 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 8
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Death of a brotherBohumil Malík
April 4, 1925 (Age 77 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 78
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Death of a brotherFrantišek Malík
October 5, 1934 (Age 86 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 66
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Family with parents - View this family
elder brother
-3 years
elder brother
Václav Malík
Birth: January 5, 1839 20 21Dlouhá Lhota 30
Death: June 27, 1839Dlouhá Lhota 30
26 years
younger sister
-2 years
younger brother
-7 years
younger sister
-3 years
younger brother
-4 years
younger brother
Vincenc Malík
Birth: May 16, 1849 31 31Dlouhá Lhota 30
Death: December 16, 1866Dlouhá Lhota 30
-14 months
-8 years
elder brother
4 years
elder brother
7 years
younger brother
-5 years
elder brother
12 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother


Náboženství: katolické Bydliště: Dlouhá Lhota 30

Zdroj: * Březno 26 Fol.29, Pg 30