Václav TomanAge: 2 days1842–1842
- Name
- Václav Toman
Birth | July 30, 1842 26 27 |
Birth of a brother | Josef Toman July 30, 1842 |
Death of a brother | Josef Toman August 1, 1842 (on the date of death) |
Death | August 1, 1842 (Age 2 days) |
Family with parents |
father |
Václav Toman Birth: 1816 32 31 — Vinařice 29 |
mother |
Anna Knížková Birth: 1815 — Březno 36 |
Marriage: February 4, 1840 — Březno |
1 month elder sister |
Františka Tomanová Birth: March 6, 1840 24 25 — Boží Voda 30 Death: June 1, 1840 — Boží Voda 30 |
2 years twin brother |
Josef Toman Birth: July 30, 1842 26 27 — Boží Voda 30 Death: August 1, 1842 — Boží Voda 30 |
himself |
Václav Toman Birth: July 30, 1842 26 27 — Boží Voda 30 Death: August 1, 1842 — Boží Voda 30 |
4 years younger sister |
Marie Tomanová Birth: April 26, 1846 30 31 — Boží Voda 30 |
7 years younger brother |
František Toman Birth: December 4, 1852 36 37 — Boží Voda 30 |
Note | Náboženství: katolické Věk: 2 d. Hřbitov: Březno Dvojče Josef Zdroj: * Březno 10 Fol.36 , Pg 39 + Březno 25 Pg 60 |