Kateřina TominováAge: 54 years1808–1862
- Name
- Kateřina Tominová
Birth | 1808 |
Birth of a son #1 | Jan Toman July 23, 1846 (Age 38 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Václav Toman April 10, 1848 (Age 40 years) |
Death of a son | Václav Toman April 12, 1848 (Age 40 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Josef Toman July 30, 1849 (Age 41 years) |
Death of a son | Josef Toman March 4, 1850 (Age 42 years) |
Birth of a daughter #4 | Marie Tomanová April 8, 1852 (Age 44 years) |
Birth of a daughter #5 | Kateřina Tomanová October 7, 1854 (Age 46 years) |
Death | September 23, 1862 (Age 54 years) |
Family with Jan Toman |
husband |
Jan Toman Birth: November 24, 1808 24 23 — Vinařice 29 Death: December 3, 1871 — Boží Voda 30 |
herself |
Kateřina Tominová Birth: 1808 — Řepov Death: September 23, 1862 — Boží Voda 30 |
son |
Jan Toman Birth: July 23, 1846 37 38 — Řehnice 2 Death: April 29, 1920 — Lhotky (Malá Lhota) 25 |
21 months son |
Václav Toman Birth: April 10, 1848 39 40 — Řehnice 2 Death: April 12, 1848 — Řehnice 2 |
7 years daughter |
Kateřina Tomanová Birth: October 7, 1854 45 46 — Řehnice 2 |
-3 years daughter |
Marie Tomanová Birth: April 8, 1852 43 44 — Řehnice 2 |
-3 years son |
Josef Toman Birth: July 30, 1849 40 41 — Řehnice 2 Death: March 4, 1850 — Řehnice 2 |
Jan Toman + Anna Koliašová |
husband |
Jan Toman Birth: November 24, 1808 24 23 — Vinařice 29 Death: December 3, 1871 — Boží Voda 30 |
husband’s wife |
Anna Koliašová Birth: November 27, 1832 — Sukorady 31 |
Marriage: November 11, 1862 — Březno |
14 months step-son |
Josef Toman Birth: January 9, 1864 55 31 — Boží Voda 30 |
3 years step-daughter |
Marie Tomanová Birth: October 13, 1866 57 33 — Boží Voda 30 |
2 years step-daughter |
Alžběta Tomanová Birth: December 12, 1868 60 36 — Boží Voda 30 |
17 months step-daughter |
Barbora Tomanová Birth: May 27, 1870 61 37 — Boží Voda 30 |
18 months step-daughter |
Josefína Tomanová Birth: November 28, 1871 63 39 — Boží Voda 30 Death: December 20, 1871 — Boží Voda 30 |
-7 years step-daughter |
Alžběta Tomanová Birth: May 15, 1865 56 32 — Boží Voda 30 Death: June 5, 1866 — Boží Voda 30 |
Note | Náboženství: katolické Počet dětí: 5 Věk: 54 Příčina úmrtí: změknutí žaludku Hřbitov: Březno Zdroj: + Březno 35 Pg 22 |