Verner rodokmen

Marie VernerováAge: 61 years17981860

Marie Vernerová
Birth December 3, 1798 36 30
Dolánky 14
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Baptism December 5, 1798 (Age 2 days)
Birth of a sisterVeronika Vernerová
February 5, 1801 (Age 2 years)
Dolánky 14
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Baptism of a sisterVeronika Vernerová
February 7, 1801 (Age 2 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherAnna Úhodová
April 13, 1803 (Age 4 years)
Burial of a paternal grandmotherAnna Úhodová
April 15, 1803 (Age 4 years)
Týnec (Tejnice)
Latitude: N49.313408 Longitude: E13.66177

Birth of a sisterAlžběta Vernerová
October 29, 1803 (Age 4 years)
Dolánky 14
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Baptism of a sisterAlžběta Vernerová
October 30, 1803 (Age 4 years)

Death of a sisterAlžběta Vernerová
December 3, 1806 (Age 8 years)
Dolánky 14
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Burial of a sisterAlžběta Vernerová
December 5, 1806 (Age 8 years)

Civil marriageJan HolanView this family
June 4, 1820 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a son
Jan Holan
1821 (Age 22 years)
Řitonice 20
Latitude: N50.411411 Longitude: E15.103903

Death of a sonJan Holan
November 21, 1821 (Age 22 years)
Řitonice 20
Latitude: N50.411411 Longitude: E15.103903

Birth of a son
Václav Holan
March 4, 1824 (Age 25 years)
Řitonice 20
Latitude: N50.411411 Longitude: E15.103903

Birth of a daughter
Kateřina Holanová
August 12, 1826 (Age 27 years)
Řitonice 20
Latitude: N50.411411 Longitude: E15.103903

Birth of a son
František Holan
September 5, 1828 (Age 29 years)
Řitonice 20
Latitude: N50.411411 Longitude: E15.103903

Birth of a daughter
Marie Holanová
February 24, 1834 (Age 35 years)
Řitonice 20
Latitude: N50.411411 Longitude: E15.103903

Baptism of a daughterMarie Holanová
February 25, 1834 (Age 35 years)
Death of a sisterAnna Vernerová
November 4, 1839 (Age 40 years)
Dolánky 2
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Burial of a sisterAnna Vernerová
November 6, 1839 (Age 40 years)
Marriage of a childVáclav NovotnýKateřina HolanováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
July 23, 1844 (Age 45 years)
Marriage of a childVáclav HolanAnna ČejkováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
May 9, 1848 (Age 49 years)
Řitonice 20
Latitude: N50.411411 Longitude: E15.103903

Death of a brotherVáclav Verner
December 31, 1855 (Age 57 years)
Dolánky 14
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Death October 25, 1860 (Age 61 years)
Řitonice 20
Latitude: N50.411411 Longitude: E15.103903

Burial October 28, 1860 (3 days after death)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: January 23, 1785Dobrovice
3 years
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
-5 years
elder sister
17 years
younger sister
-8 years
elder sister
-21 months
elder brother
5 years
2 years
younger sister
Family with Jan Holan - View this family
Marriage: June 4, 1820Bošín
19 months
13 years
-6 years
-2 years
-2 years
Jan Holan + Barbora Jansová - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: February 24, 1862Řitonice


Náboženství: evangelické-ref. Počet dětí: 5 Věk: 61 Příčina úmrtí: na velké zatvrdlosti v životě Hřbitov: Bošín

Zdroj: * Bošín ev-01 Pg 56 * Dobrovice 5 Pg 39 o Dobrovice 17 Pg 4 o Bošín-ev 04 Pg 19 + Bošín-ev 09 Fol.92-22, Pg 49