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Marie Kovářová1879

Marie Kovářová
Birth February 1, 1879
Dlouhá Lhota 8
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Civil marriageVojtěch MachačView this family
January 30, 1900 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a daughter
Marie Machačová
August 17, 1905 (Age 26 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 25
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Marriage of a childFrantišek MalíkMarie MachačováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
July 15, 1924 (Age 45 years)
Dlouhá Lhota
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733


Zdroj: Březno 36 Fol.74, Pg 74