Verner rodokmen

Jan VernerAge: 62 years18371899

Jan Verner
Birth April 25, 1837 42 31
Dolánky 14
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Baptism April 26, 1837 (Age 1 day)
Birth of a sisterMarie Vernerová
June 24, 1839 (Age 2 years)
Dolánky 14
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Baptism of a sisterMarie Vernerová
June 25, 1839 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherJiří Verner
February 19, 1842 (Age 4 years)
Dolánky 14
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Baptism of a brotherJiří Verner
February 20, 1842 (Age 4 years)
Death of a brotherJiří Verner
May 24, 1842 (Age 5 years)
Dolánky 14
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Burial of a brotherJiří Verner
May 26, 1842 (Age 5 years)
Birth of a sisterAlžběta Vernerová
August 13, 1847 (Age 10 years)
Dolánky 14
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Baptism of a sisterAlžběta Vernerová
August 15, 1847 (Age 10 years)
Death of a sisterAlžběta Vernerová
November 22, 1848 (Age 11 years)
Dolánky 14
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Burial of a sisterAlžběta Vernerová
November 24, 1848 (Age 11 years)
Birth of a brotherJosef Verner
August 30, 1850 (Age 13 years)
Dolánky 14
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Death of a brotherJosef Verner
September 30, 1850 (Age 13 years)
Dolánky 14
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Death of a sisterKateřina Vernerová
November 4, 1851 (Age 14 years)
Dolánky 14
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Death of a fatherVáclav Verner
December 31, 1855 (Age 18 years)
Dolánky 14
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Civil marriageAnna BůžkováView this family
1858 (Age 20 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherKateřina Bartonová
March 31, 1858 (Age 20 years)
Němčice 6
Latitude: N50.090488 Longitude: E15.80425

Birth of a son
Jan Verner
January 3, 1859 (Age 21 years)
Death of a motherMarie Jonášová
October 15, 1878 (Age 41 years)
Bechov 20
Latitude: N50.436707 Longitude: E15.08978

Marriage of a childJan VernerMarie HejlováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
October 26, 1884 (Age 47 years)
Death September 16, 1899 (Age 62 years)
Latitude: N50.473305 Longitude: E14.168452

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: July 24, 1825Bošín
3 years
elder brother
23 years
younger brother
-3 years
younger sister
-6 years
younger brother
-3 years
younger sister
-2 years
-3 years
elder sister
-4 years
elder sister
Family with Anna Bůžková - View this family
Marriage: 1858Libštát
1 year


Náboženství: evangelické-ref. Věk: 62 Počet dětí: 1

Zdroj: * Dobrovice 17 Pg 17 * Bošín-ev 03 Fol.51-9, Pg 28 o Bošín-ev 05 Fol.23-4, Pg 24