Antonín MalíkAge: 9 months1878–1879
- Name
- Antonín Malík
Birth | May 3, 1878 26 |
Death of a father | Petr Malík February 2, 1879 (Age 8 months) |
Death | February 17, 1879 (Age 9 months) |
Family with parents |
father |
Petr Malík Birth: June 23, 1851 33 33 — Dlouhá Lhota 30 Death: February 2, 1879 — Dlouhá Lhota 66 |
mother | |
himself |
Antonín Malík Birth: May 3, 1878 26 — Dlouhá Lhota Death: February 17, 1879 — Roveň |
Note | Zdroj: Březno 33 Fol.2, Pg 3 |