Verner rodokmen

Jan Kulhánek1710

Jan Kulhánek
Birth January 14, 1710 35
Rohoznice 29
Latitude: N50.127171 Longitude: E15.655035

Birth of a brotherAnton Adam Kulhánek
May 15, 1713 (Age 3 years)
Miletín 6
Latitude: N50.409431 Longitude: E15.6723

Birth of a sisterAlžběta Kulhánková
October 26, 1715 (Age 5 years)
Miletín 23
Latitude: N50.409431 Longitude: E15.6723

Death of a sisterAlžběta Kulhánková
November 28, 1717 (Age 7 years)
Miletín 47
Latitude: N50.409431 Longitude: E15.6723

Birth of a brotherJosef Kulhánek
March 29, 1718 (Age 8 years)
Miletín 8
Latitude: N50.409431 Longitude: E15.6723

Death of a fatherVáclav Kulhánek
May 1, 1720 (Age 10 years)
Miletín 37
Latitude: N50.409431 Longitude: E15.6723

Death of a brotherJosef Kulhánek
July 10, 1720 (Age 10 years)
Miletín 54a
Latitude: N50.409431 Longitude: E15.6723

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: June 27, 1700Rohoznice
18 years
younger brother
-2 years
younger sister
-2 years
younger brother
-3 years
-2 years
elder sister
-3 years
elder brother
-2 years
elder brother


Vzdělání: Povolání: Náboženství: katolické Bydliště: Rohoznice 29 Počet dětí: Věk: Hřbitov:
