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Josef František Malík1903

Josef František Malík
Birth January 8, 1903 31 23
Dlouhá Lhota 73
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Birth of a sisterMarie Františka Malíková
December 31, 1903 (Age 11 months)
Dlouhá Lhota 73
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Birth of a brotherFrantišek Malík
October 26, 1905 (Age 2 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 73
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Birth of a sisterBožena Malíková
March 31, 1907 (Age 4 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 73
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Death of a brotherFrantišek Malík
April 22, 1907 (Age 4 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 73
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Birth of a brotherVáclav Jan Malík
May 14, 1909 (Age 6 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 73
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Death of a brotherVáclav Jan Malík
May 17, 1910 (Age 7 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 73
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Birth of a sisterFrantiška Malíková
December 12, 1912 (Age 9 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 73
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Birth of a sisterBlažena Alžběta Malíková
May 22, 1914 (Age 11 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 73
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Death of a sisterBlažena Alžběta Malíková
November 12, 1915 (Age 12 years)
Dlouhá Lhota 73
Latitude: N49.723621 Longitude: E14.120733

Civil marriageAnna DoškářováView this family
February 14, 1931 (Age 28 years)
Latitude: N50.404594 Longitude: E15.020056

Death of a wifeAnna Doškářová
September 20, 1932 (Age 29 years)
Mladá Boleslav
Latitude: N50.414364 Longitude: E14.902379

Civil marriageEmílie ŠkaloudováView this family
May 1, 1938 (Age 35 years)
Latitude: N50.404594 Longitude: E15.020056


Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: January 21, 1902Březno
12 years
younger sister
-17 months
younger sister
-4 years
younger brother
-2 years
younger sister
-17 months
younger brother
František Malík
Birth: October 26, 1905 34 26Dlouhá Lhota 73
Death: April 22, 1907Dlouhá Lhota 73
-22 months
younger sister
-1 years
Family with Emílie Škaloudová - View this family
Marriage: May 1, 1938Březno
Family with Anna Doškářová - View this family
Marriage: February 14, 1931Březno
Josef Zelený + Emílie Škaloudová - View this family
wife’s husband


Povolání: farmář Náboženství: katolické Bydliště: Dlouhá Lhota 73

Zdroj: * Březno 33 Pg 55 o Březno 36 Pg 222