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Pegram Dulcie 1897-1990.jpg

Dulcie Victoria PegramAge: 93 years18971990

Dulcie Victoria Pegram
Birth 1897
Birth of a son
Alexander Bright
1920 (Age 23 years)
Latitude: N54.702354 Longitude: W3.276575

Birth of a daughter
Emily Louise Bright
December 1, 1923 (Age 26 years)
Clipston, England
Latitude: N51.926918 Longitude: W0.622411

Birth of a daughter
Pat Bright
Latitude: N54.702354 Longitude: W3.276575

Marriage of a childMiroslav Václav UmlaufEmily Louise BrightView this family
Type: Civil marriage
March 10, 1945 (Age 48 years)
Clipston, England
Latitude: N51.926918 Longitude: W0.622411

Marriage of a childAlexander Bright< ? >View this family
Type: Civil marriage
May 1976 (Age 79 years)
Latitude: N54.702354 Longitude: W3.276575

Death October 2, 1990 (Age 93 years)
Rugby, Warwickshire, England
Latitude: N52.372669 Longitude: W1.262004

Media objectPegram Dulcie 1897-1990.jpg
Pegram Dulcie 1897-1990.jpg
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 130 × 180 pixels
File size: 5 KB
Note: Pegram Dulcie 1897-1990