Verner rodokmen

Kulhánek Oldřich 1911-1990.jpg

Oldřich KulhánekAge: 79 years19111990

Oldřich Kulhánek
Birth February 8, 1911 26 23
Koloděje 42 okr. Pardubice
Latitude: N50.057339 Longitude: E15.75449

Birth of a brotherJosef Kulhánek
January 8, 1913 (Age 23 months)
Koloděje 42 okr. Pardubice
Latitude: N50.057339 Longitude: E15.75449

Birth of a brotherStanislav Kulhánek
March 5, 1915 (Age 4 years)

Birth of a brother- Kulhánek
February 6, 1917 (Age 5 years)

Death of a brother- Kulhánek
February 6, 1917 (Age 5 years)

Birth of a sisterRůžena Kulhánková
July 20, 1918 (Age 7 years)
Koloděje 17 okr. Pardubice
Latitude: N50.057339 Longitude: E15.75449

Birth of a son
Oldřich Kulhánek
February 26, 1940 (Age 29 years)
Praha 6
Latitude: N50.083145 Longitude: E14.37761

Birth of a son
Václav Kulhánek
1942 (Age 30 years)

Birth of a daughter
Božena Kulhánková
1945 (Age 33 years)

Marriage of a childOldřich KulhánekRůžena Marie VernerováView this family
Type: Civil marriage
August 3, 1963 (Age 52 years)
Death of a wifeBožena Husáková
1983 (Age 71 years)
Latitude: N50.066868 Longitude: E14.466016

Death October 22, 1990 (Age 79 years)
Latitude: N50.066868 Longitude: E14.466016

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: January 19, 1908
younger brother
-23 months
younger brother
-2 years
younger brother
-5 years
elder sister
10 years
younger sister
-7 years
Family with Božena Husáková - View this family
-2 years
-22 months


Vzdělání: Povolání: dělník v Kolodějích Náboženství: katolické -> ateista Křtiny: 12 FEB 1911 Bydliště: - Koloděje 42, okr.Pardubice - Praha Počet dětí: 3 Věk: 79 Hřbitov:

Zdroj: Matrika 6562 Pg 304 (not online)

Media objectKulhánek Oldřich 1911-1990.jpg
Kulhánek Oldřich 1911-1990.jpg
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 130 × 180 pixels
File size: 7 KB
Note: Kulhánek Oldřich 1911-1990