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Bišická Božena 1887-1927.jpg

Božena Josefa BišickáAge: 40 years18871927

Božena Josefa Bišická
Birth February 12, 1887 33 27
Praha - Smíchov 261
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Birth of a sisterJosefa Bišická
November 10, 1889 (Age 2 years)
Praha - Smíchov 261
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Birth of a sisterAloisie Anna Bišická
May 29, 1893 (Age 6 years)
Praha - Smíchov 261
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Birth of a brotherJosef Karel Bišický
January 18, 1897 (Age 9 years)
Praha - Smíchov 297
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Civil marriageBedřich ČapekView this family
May 3, 1909 (Age 22 years)
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Birth of a son
Bedřich Josef Čapek
October 2, 1909 (Age 22 years)
Death of a sisterAloisie Anna Bišická
October 30, 1923 (Age 36 years)

Death of a fatherJosef Bišický
December 20, 1925 (Age 38 years)
Praha-Smíchov 928
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Death October 24, 1927 (Age 40 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: January 13, 1885
Marriage: January 13, 1885Farní kostel, Praha-Smíchov
-8 years
elder sister
Josefa Bišická
Birth: March 1877 23 17Praha-Smíchov 261
Death: December 20, 1877Praha-Smíchov 261
6 years
elder sister
11 years
younger sister
4 years
younger brother
-7 years
younger sister
-3 years
-23 months
elder sister
Family with Bedřich Čapek - View this family
Marriage: May 3, 1909Praha-Smíchov
5 months


Náboženství: katolické Bydliště: Praha-Smíchov 261, 928 Rozvedeni: 23 NOV 1921 Cause of divorce: nepřekonatelný odpor

Zdroj: * o

National Archives Prague, Police Headquarters Prague -Bydliště applications, archival box number 70, folio 189

Media objectBišická Božena 1887-1927.jpg
Bišická Božena 1887-1927.jpg
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 130 × 180 pixels
File size: 4 KB
Note: Bišická Božena 1887-1927