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Chocholová Marie 1859-1947.jpg
Marie Chocholová
Birth September 11, 1859
Vysoké Mýto
Latitude: N49.953472 Longitude: E16.161646

Birth of a daughter
Josefa Bišická
March 1877 (Age 17 years)
Praha-Smíchov 261
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Death of a daughterJosefa Bišická
December 20, 1877 (Age 18 years)
Praha-Smíchov 261
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Birth of a daughter
Růžena Bišická
1882 (Age 22 years)
Praha - U Apolináře
Latitude: N50.071072 Longitude: E14.426853

MarriageJosef BišickýView this family
January 13, 1885 (Age 25 years)

Civil marriageJosef BišickýView this family
January 13, 1885 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a daughter
Marie Františka Bišická
March 10, 1885 (Age 25 years)
Praha - Smíchov 219
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Birth of a daughter
Božena Josefa Bišická
February 12, 1887 (Age 27 years)
Praha - Smíchov 261
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Birth of a daughter
Josefa Bišická
November 10, 1889 (Age 30 years)
Praha - Smíchov 261
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Birth of a daughter
Aloisie Anna Bišická
May 29, 1893 (Age 33 years)
Praha - Smíchov 261
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Birth of a son
Josef Karel Bišický
January 18, 1897 (Age 37 years)
Praha - Smíchov 297
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Marriage of a childBedřich ČapekBožena Josefa BišickáView this family
Type: Civil marriage
May 3, 1909 (Age 49 years)
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Marriage of a childFrantišek LangerMarie Františka BišickáView this family
Type: Civil marriage
February 19, 1911 (Age 51 years)
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Marriage of a childJosef KošataJosefa BišickáView this family
Type: Civil marriage
July 27, 1913 (Age 53 years)
Death of a daughterAloisie Anna Bišická
October 30, 1923 (Age 64 years)

Death of a husbandJosef Bišický
December 20, 1925 (Age 66 years)
Praha-Smíchov 928
Latitude: N50.060982 Longitude: E14.408127

Death of a daughterBožena Josefa Bišická
October 24, 1927 (Age 68 years)

Death June 29, 1947 (Age 87 years)
Latitude: N50.066868 Longitude: E14.466016